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John Routerer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Anglesey North Wales > Liz and Tony at the South Stack steps.
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28-APR-2007 john

Liz and Tony at the South Stack steps.

Anglesey North Wales view map

My mates Liz and Tony all the way from Albury in the Land of Oz.

Canon EOS 350D ,Tamron 17-50 f2.8
1/40s f/11.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 19-Jun-2007 16:16
Hi John, Waiting for some more wonderful photos. I keep looking! cheeres Liz- see our new albums
liz Wood 03-May-2007 21:10
G'day, great to see our pics looking out of your wonderful gallery. Sorry to let you down, not the most attractive specimens! I look like I was quite disappionted the gate was locked after walking down 500 odd steps (how many was it?) Think it was the prospect of having to walk up them! Had a great day. Good to meet you. See ya round. Liz and Tony
How do I pinch that photo to send home to Mum? ta
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