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Photo Club Pavillonnais20-Jul-2011 10:49
Vote !
Geoionela14-May-2011 16:30
Just Perfect!
Ceya07-Sep-2009 17:25
Lovely colours, composition and reflections! V!
sian10-Nov-2007 11:32
Wow, fantastic reflections and colours. voted.
mathilda williams13-Oct-2007 03:08
just beautiful!
Guest 13-May-2007 15:22
Superb color and composition.
But, the main attraction is the reflection and the water.
Yiannis Pavlis07-May-2007 14:25
amazing capture .excellent photo ,well composed.
the detail and colour are superb! voted.
Rob Oele01-May-2007 17:56
Great Petros; such vivid colours! V
Buz Kiefer01-May-2007 00:46
Marvelous photograph. Vote.
Mindy McNaugher29-Apr-2007 16:51
Stunning shot! Spectacular colors, reflection and composition! Vote!
Guest 26-Apr-2007 18:12
Beautiful colors and reflections. vote.
akleja26-Apr-2007 17:02
Wonderful! Vote!
flowsnow26-Apr-2007 15:29
Beautiful shot! V
Guest 26-Apr-2007 13:34
Fantastic colors and reflection. V.
Eric Carrčre26-Apr-2007 13:03
Superb Petros, V.
Silvia Roitman26-Apr-2007 10:52
nice colours & reflections!!
Paco López26-Apr-2007 10:40
Nice reflection!! ¡v!
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