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Pawel Kazmierczyk | all galleries >> Galleries >> Top 100 > Broad spectrum
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Broad spectrum

Canon PowerShot G3
1/800s f/4.0 at 28.8mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
GeneWard25-Jul-2016 00:44
Cleverly conceived and executed.
monica memoli21-Oct-2015 08:19
Enchanting! v
Ken Zaret14-Oct-2015 14:21
Nice shot. Interesting how the negative space of the glass looks like positive space-bullet shapes coming down.
cits_4_pets18-Jul-2015 04:33
Fabulous colors, details and composition. Excellent!!!
m.kastelic21-Oct-2014 16:06
Excellent!! BV
rozyczko29-Jun-2013 11:45
fantastic photo! vote
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)28-Feb-2011 13:24
Impressive work! BV,Bravo!
Guest 11-Dec-2010 12:35
Great shot !!!
Petros Labrakos20-Sep-2009 09:48
love surfing...
Marc Demoulin12-Sep-2009 18:29
Marvellous shot!! vVv
Guest 06-Feb-2009 14:30
what a shot!!!
Stephanie Hadrath 29-Oct-2008 20:31
Light, colours and feelings a good combination between concept and form.
Augusto 12-Aug-2008 21:59
Fantastic!!! Very nice work!!!
Ron LaCroix20-Jul-2008 13:44
PauloCGama13-Dec-2007 23:14
simple and fabulous!!
Tommy Junger12-Oct-2007 17:25
Very nice capture !
Nick Powell29-Sep-2007 09:25
Superb colours, well captured. V
Robert Charity27-Aug-2007 19:14
wow - great composition, v
Guest 12-Aug-2007 12:26
François Fauchard07-Aug-2007 18:44
Wow ! Quels magnifiques reflets !
Donald Verger03-Aug-2007 21:21
really wonderful! i love so many of your images! vote
Emad Omar25-Jul-2007 20:44
Guest 24-Jul-2007 17:54
Superb! V
Petros Labrakos03-Jul-2007 20:31
creative work!
Guest 20-Apr-2007 23:51
Thats a superb shot.
Jola Dziubinska20-Apr-2007 09:22
Perfect composition and exposure, cool colors.
Guest 20-Apr-2007 08:58
Excellent shot...
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