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Matija Barbic | all galleries >> Galleries >> People > Girl
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Nikon D2h ,Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED AF
1/200s f/4.0 at 200.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 24-May-2011 20:47
I've seen a lot of your pictures and , as Andrea always says, you are a great artist. Many compliments.
Carlo Alboni
imran 04-Apr-2010 07:51
hello freinds i have got that u have a good heart and mind.i am imran from bangladesh .i invite u in our country.if u mail me i will be very much happy.ok freinds take care.....
marko gregoric26-Mar-2010 12:51
Excellent portrait. Great expression. V.
PauloCGama16-May-2009 18:16
beautiful candid. Love the light and details very much. Huge v
Kevin Chan17-Aug-2008 17:06
fabulous moment you captured
Guest 29-Feb-2008 21:17
Very nice candid! V
arminb24-Jun-2007 21:42
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