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R. Walls | all galleries >> Galleries >> Briahna, Why are your growing up so quickly? > Look At Me
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Look At Me

Canon EOS 350D
1/1000s f/2.8 at 70.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
kristen paquette 30-Sep-2008 01:04
your horse is so cute. i want one so bad....................Your lucky!
Briahna Walls 30-Jun-2007 20:13
I think there is a lunge line but just hidden.your right i do like riding and horses and T.J. He is so sweet. I wish he was mine. I have aso ridin a horse named kiko and one named Misty. and a lunge is a line that can connet to the briddle most of the time they use it with beginers pepole.i stared in january or dember. Ican not rember with one i canter and trot and walk.bytheway good shout dad.
Deborah Lewis11-Apr-2007 22:49
Awesome shot - I'm with Aunt Kate - pick out a frame, dad!
Aunt Kate 11-Apr-2007 13:32
The more I stare at this, the more I like this one......Love her form and the way you captured the dust at the feet. Suitable for framing too.
Aunt Kate 11-Apr-2007 12:47
I'm so proud of her......................My life is complete - my niece has the same passion as I do! Yes, it was a big day for her!
Jen Bixler11-Apr-2007 03:17
Ok, I am clueless as to what Aunt Barb is talking about...I need to learn the lingo!
Aunt Barb 11-Apr-2007 03:14
No lunge line! Big event!
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