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The Blind Nun

Siem Reap, Cambodia

I wonder what was her past life like and being blind here she sits waiting for passers by to give her some money. On contarary I was told that `monks' don't beg for money, here we see a `nun' with a bowl of money in the city streets. Maybe that's what we can give in return to help them.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 25-Mar-2007 23:27
Nice work
Dr. Michael G. Mathews25-Mar-2007 23:24
Wow! Exceptional portrait. Love it! Great work!
Victoria25-Mar-2007 20:42
Cool portrait
marie-jose wolff25-Mar-2007 20:29
excellent portrait,
very touching!
Latifa Messaoudi25-Mar-2007 19:06
really good portrait of a sad situation**
Guest 25-Mar-2007 18:21
Very touching portrait.Tricia!
CIS25-Mar-2007 16:41
Bless her've done such a touching job with this.
Eric Carrère25-Mar-2007 16:28
Superb portrait Tricia, V.
Vince25-Mar-2007 16:22
You sure she is not a monk:)) Nevetheless, great shot Tricia. Vote.
Olaf Herrig25-Mar-2007 15:11
Excellent portrait shot! Vote!