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17-MAR-2007 Cedida por Fernando Avila

Nikon D80
1/10s f/4.5 at 40.0mm iso100 full exif

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Guest 27-Aug-2009 18:40
Hello :) Nice to see You here :))) V~!
Guest 11-May-2008 08:59
Self-portrait of an interesting personality, indeed! Now I know, who is sending me such nice comments. V!!!
Marijka11-May-2008 07:38
If you take into account all the images in this photo--it says much about your character---but then again your eyes tell it all. Who ever took this photo really was able to capture the sweet moment.
Ceya23-Apr-2008 18:33
Beautiful portrait! Nice to see you!
Guest 02-Feb-2008 10:34
Delightful! How nice to meet you, Josefina!
olivier bruning10-Sep-2007 18:50
hi Josefina! nice to meet you!
Marijka16-Aug-2007 19:30
i see the beauty hiding behind those glasses :)... agree with Marisa, very telling SP indeed.
Marisa Livet08-Apr-2007 11:57
A very nice and meanigful self-portrait indeed.
I like what it allows us to guess, many important elements are there!
Michaval03-Apr-2007 09:55
Buen retrato, luz suave y bien equilibrada. Excelente la modelo.
Jola Dziubinska23-Mar-2007 12:48
Hola :) Nice to meet you.
carabias22-Mar-2007 22:55
¡Hola! Agradable sorpresa este excelente retrato.
Paco López20-Mar-2007 21:42
Fantastica!!! Me encanta. ! ¡V!