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regi olbrechts | all galleries >> Galleries >> Northern Ireland > Magilligan Dunes
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Magilligan Dunes

Magilligan Point

Magilligan point is hard to beat: the light simply is always heavenly...
(and so is the Guinness in the cosy pub behind me!)

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Michael Edwards17-Sep-2010 11:08
Sweet shot, marvelous light.
Bill Gallagher04-Mar-2008 19:18
Stunning shot, and please pour me a Guinness next time your there. V
kinta27-Jan-2008 05:07
Wonderful colors and mood! V!
Tom Briggs08-Nov-2007 15:28
Beautiful use of the late afternoon sunlight, Regi ... well done ... voted
olivier bruning07-Nov-2007 08:38
lekker uitwaaien!
Meggi Raeder30-Sep-2007 02:38
Very nice! Love the movement in the grasses,
Lamar Nix06-Jul-2007 01:09
Nicely chosen vantage point here. vote
Gerard Koehl27-Jun-2007 18:42
Wow... tout simplement magnifique. V
Guest 17-Jun-2007 08:29
Wonderful view, great use of the rules of photographic composition! Well done!
Glendower14-Jun-2007 21:07
Excellent composition, beautiful soft light, colours.
Julie Bird11-Jun-2007 09:39
Wonderful lighting makes this image very special. V
Guest 30-May-2007 18:27
Beautiful coastal scene captured at the right time of day. Great work!
Guest 18-May-2007 03:54
Excellent shot! Voted.
Guest 17-May-2007 14:30
Exceptionally beautiful! Love the grass, and everything else too!
Giancarlo Guzzardi10-May-2007 08:13
wonderful light you have captured... my favorite light... vote
John Cravatta16-Apr-2007 16:33
Beautiful blend of color in the foreground and background(sky).Great Landscape
pik200406-Apr-2007 20:56
I really like the grass color. very nicely captured.
Richard Calmes17-Mar-2007 13:16
Beautiful light, color and framing! V
Donald Verger15-Mar-2007 21:14
this your feel of light and soft colors that i so love! vote!
Light Currents15-Mar-2007 02:24
Excellent! The texture, detail and lighting on that grass is captivating!
Guest 14-Mar-2007 12:24
I like the three layers of shallow diagonals, and the mimicry of the clouds in the windblown grass, picking up both shapes and colours. Possibly slightly cramped? A higher pov, with more space between the key elements, might have made a great photo even better. v
Guest 14-Mar-2007 09:37
excellent image, how could I miss this, my favorite country.
Wenche Aune12-Mar-2007 20:55
Beautiful! V
firstbrook12-Mar-2007 16:06
Kal Khogali12-Mar-2007 14:46
Yes, the light of the dunes is amazing with that sky. I would only prefer less sky. Lovely colours. K
flowsnow12-Mar-2007 08:58
The colour is amazing...I love it! Votex200
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