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Daniel Penz | all galleries >> When Inspiration Strikes / Photo of the Day >> march_2007_pod > Tools Part 2
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Tools Part 2

KTVT, Dallas, TX

And my second contribution to the Thursday Challenge. "Tools"

My desk at work. The tools I use for the news:
Avid News Cutter Adrenaline
Sony Beta SX Playback deck
Sony Beta SP Record deck
Internal router
Various monitors
And I've finally got a TV that I can run independently of the rest of the station!!! (cause, ya know, it's important to uhh.... check out the competition... yeah, that's it....)

Sony DSC-H1
1/20s f/3.5 at 36.9mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 02-Mar-2007 17:13
I now know someone who get's paid to watch TV! Now that's a cool job! Most people don't want to see my work place!
Scott Browne02-Mar-2007 14:53
Love all the colors in this one.
Bob Floyd02-Mar-2007 14:48
You just want that TV so you can watch Lost...we know!
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