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Ian Cameron | all galleries >> Transient Light >> Scotland. > Island In The Corn
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Ian Cameron

Island In The Corn

Ythan Wells, near Huntly, Aberdeenshire.

Wide open rural landscapes with rolling hills characterise this place. I was captivated by the small island of trees beneath a tumultuous sky nestling between fields of alternating yellow and green. The scene struck me as reminiscent of a flag from a foreign country. My kids on the other hand see a big hairy caterpillar out for a stroll in the sunshine, well they're three and five, which do you prefer? Scale is something of an issue in this picture but if you look very carefully in the right hand green field those little specks of white are actually sheep grazing.

Contax ST ,28-85mm zoom,Fujichrome Velvia
Polariser, 0.45ND grad, F11 at 1/15 sec full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yiannis Pavlis10-Nov-2011 17:54
Excellent colors and composition.
Mark03-Jan-2008 19:09
Robin 03-Jan-2008 06:09
You certainly know what you are doing. Great work.
Milos Markovic21-Nov-2007 17:26
mcall31-Jul-2007 21:40
Without a doubt some of the most splendid work I have ever seen.
ARCHNA 04-Apr-2007 07:06
Its gorgeous!! no words to describe
Stuart Smith14-Mar-2007 03:25
I really enjoy your work Ian!
Tom Briggs10-Mar-2007 20:50
Ian ... a fantastic landscape with marvelous colors and perspective. Voted
Thierry Lucas01-Mar-2007 21:18
Great capture, Ian.
René Gysi01-Mar-2007 17:03
Great composition with beautiful colors!
Guest 01-Mar-2007 11:22
great compo, excellent done.
Fred Parsons01-Mar-2007 08:18
This is just great and the kind of landscape I go to bed dreaming about but have never found. Also the bit about the sheep is mind blowing when you then consider the scope of the total image you had before you!
Simon Chandler01-Mar-2007 07:10
Excellent composition. Beautiful color and scene.
Donnaray01-Mar-2007 03:01
fantastic! v
Guest 01-Mar-2007 00:21
Beautiful composition,light and capture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jill28-Feb-2007 23:25
oh yes, the boldness of color add appeal and drama.

tell your children that i too see a big hairy caterpillar..:) and i am well on my way to my fifties.
Guest 28-Feb-2007 22:57
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