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waitolee | all galleries >> Photo of the Day >> Past Photo of the Day >> February 2007 > ¤K¶m¥j¼q ª¯¥JÀn¬Öµæ (25-2-2007)
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¤K¶m¥j¼q ª¯¥JÀn¬Öµæ (25-2-2007)

The weather today is so good and sunny, it's a bit hot ... a picnic outing organized by the estate and at the end, we got a MP3/MP4 player (Silvia can listen to music and hymn when in MTR now !!) and supermarket coupon in lucky draw !!! Very lucky !!!

Forgot to explain the picture, this was the chinese dish served for 12 person, in the old days of village, they put altogether the "best food" in one bowl and served during season time (e.g. Chinese New Year etc.)

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FujiFilm FinePix F30 Zoom
1/120s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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