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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Family >> Daisy May > 2/17/07- Daisy
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2/17/07- Daisy

My son and his family are visiting this weekend. Daisy, my grandaughter was watching as we stacked firewood.

Nikon D70
1/400s f/6.3 at 0.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mindy McNaugher24-Feb-2007 23:34
Precious candid! She is a real cutie!
Bryan Murahashi20-Feb-2007 15:43
Awww, very cute grandchild and photo.
Craig Persel20-Feb-2007 00:52
Fantastic shot.
Dan Chusid19-Feb-2007 02:49
"Hey...can't I help?"
Gary Winters18-Feb-2007 17:07
She's found a perfect perch. She's adorable!
AL18-Feb-2007 14:38
Truly lovely! Love her expression, her position, her hands, her feet, ... Such a cute sweetie!
Debbie B.18-Feb-2007 04:59
Now...that is a cute kid!
Dave Wixx18-Feb-2007 04:48
Sweeeeeet - a chip off the old block?
Michael Shpuntov18-Feb-2007 02:28
Very nice portrait Doug. She's really lovely.
Guest 17-Feb-2007 20:49
so lovely, well done.
Deborah Lewis17-Feb-2007 20:36
She beautiful!
Jen Bixler17-Feb-2007 20:33
Wow...Daisy has gotten so big!
Love how you caught her shadow watching too and her cute little bare feet!
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