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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> PaD Gallery >> 2007 > 2/6/07- Fly
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2/6/07- Fly

I've been out sick since Thursday and am just today feeling alive again.
I don't like it one bit.

Nikon D70
1/1250s f/6.3 at 0.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Vincent Belford09-Feb-2007 12:38
Beautiful image - feel better !
Gary Winters09-Feb-2007 03:02
Well, you've produced a fine image. Hope you're back to 100% soon!
royalld08-Feb-2007 02:53
Get well soon.
Guest 07-Feb-2007 16:11
Very cool from the thumb and for a good few seconds even wheni opened it i thought this was a reflection somehow. great moody skies and love the tones
AL07-Feb-2007 03:35
Very moody and dramatic. I like the echoing direction of the bird and the clouds. Take good care and rest well. Voted.
Guest 07-Feb-2007 01:44
Feel better... awesome shot! Love the background.
Craig Persel07-Feb-2007 00:09
Fantastic. Vote.
Dave Wixx06-Feb-2007 23:11
Very dark, cool. Glad you're feeling better.
Sue Robertson06-Feb-2007 23:00
Nice one. The sky is fantastic.
Jen Bixler06-Feb-2007 21:46
This is soooo it.
Get well soon....sick over SuperBowl weekend! ;o( Bummer.
Greg Lavaty06-Feb-2007 21:13
Great shot Vote
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