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david procter | all galleries >> Galleries >> S T I L L > insomnia
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Johan Gerrits09-Jun-2007 11:06
Christopher Nolan (insomnia)on his best, another fantastic intriguing shot,V
silvia marmori03-Jun-2007 15:21
wow..a great image..
with more than a meaning.. with more that oen feeling..
made me remind that phrase at that movie "the fight's club:
"When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake"

Guest 09-Mar-2007 11:18
A image can say much & this one does! Its an other level of photography! V
Kal Khogali22-Jan-2007 15:45
Just soooo amazing David. One of your earliest experimenting, and definitely one of my favourites. K
Guest 22-Jan-2007 14:58
nice work, david ...
Ray Rebortira22-Jan-2007 12:47
Phenomenal image, brilliant on all counts. Bravo!!!
ruthemily22-Jan-2007 11:29
one of my very favourite shots of fact, possible even my favourite of all. the exposure is fantastic...the stark light of outside, compared with the subtle light illuminating the woman in bed...unaware of how eerie the whole situation seems.
Rob Rosetti22-Jan-2007 10:58
This is stunner! Fantastic picture David!
Guest 22-Jan-2007 10:54
very cleverly composed!A great shot! V
Marc Demoulin22-Jan-2007 07:31
Excellent David!!
jude22-Jan-2007 00:37
There is something eerie about this.. a feeling of secrets he'll never tell.
Excellent exposure, david.
Fong Lam22-Jan-2007 00:32
Outstanding composition. Love those intriguing shadows. Vote
Latifa Messaoudi22-Jan-2007 00:10
oh yes so great!!
Craig Persel22-Jan-2007 00:01
Superb and great image/title combo. Vote.
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