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Dennis Warren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Zachary > DSC_804334961873.JPG
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Nikon D70
1/60s f/6.0 at 155.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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mathilda williams15-Mar-2008 19:48
oh, what a doll!
lovely :)
Guest 15-Mar-2008 17:12
lovely portrait well captured
Guest 15-Mar-2008 15:48
Love it, so sweet.....
Barry S Moore15-Mar-2008 11:38
Wonderful composition
Maaike Huizer15-Mar-2008 08:26
Sweet. Gorgeous eyes.
Heidi Jonker15-Mar-2008 08:25
Guest 15-Mar-2008 07:13
cool I have a hat sort of like that only a different colour. Like the tongue half sticking out there. Cute.
Yvonne15-Mar-2008 02:10
How gorgeous, so warm and snug & a wonderful hand-knitted cap!
Jason Anderson15-Mar-2008 01:41
Very cute. I think that's my expression most of the time these days too. Great capture.
Russ Rose15-Mar-2008 01:35
Zack found the right color for the month. Handsome baby.