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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> View from my room > Clouds
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08-NOV-2006 Roberto Rosetti



FujiFilm FinePix S5200 Zoom
1/220s f/3.5 at 44.9mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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AL08-Jan-2007 10:49
Moody, dramatic and beautiful. Really nice.
Vilone02-Jan-2007 05:19
Beautiful colours & clouds! Nice lighting! ~V
Barbara Heide02-Jan-2007 00:08
like the tones and the contrast with the pole...v
Craig Persel02-Jan-2007 00:06
Very beautiful.
Roe..02-Jan-2007 00:05
layer after layer of beauty..Roberto you have an amazing view..
Guest 01-Jan-2007 19:41
Bellissima Foto, Roberto!
auguri a te!
tutto il meglio!
Con affetto!
ac01-Jan-2007 18:49
Wish you a beautiful 2007, anyway without any clouds upon you !
jude01-Jan-2007 17:25
A bit of dream in those shapes..
Adalberto Tiburzi01-Jan-2007 17:06
I agree. Dramatic.
Guenter Eh01-Jan-2007 16:40
Nature versus technic - fantastic "industrial" landscape Roberto!