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flowsnow | all galleries >> Nature >> Pretty Petals > Majestic Purple
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Majestic Purple

Fraser's Hill

Sony DSC-F717
1/100s f/2.0 at 9.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 30-Mar-2007 17:26
fantastic macro !!
great colors and good use of DOF
Linda Hendry02-Mar-2007 11:45
Nice zinnia shot!
Vince28-Feb-2007 13:50
Beautiful shot. I like the way you control your DOF. Voted.
Renee Lockett25-Feb-2007 22:23
Beautiful capture. :)
Emmanuel Panagiotakis18-Feb-2007 21:58
The f/2 aperture works well with this shot nice DOF
Guest 15-Jan-2007 16:27
Great color and nice compositon. ~V!
olivier bruning12-Jan-2007 04:46
glorious is the word indeed! ~V~
Fong Lam08-Jan-2007 17:13
What glorious colors and great DOF. Vote
Olaf Herrig30-Dec-2006 11:02
A wonderful flower, nice colors and detail.
Dawid Wnuk Photography30-Dec-2006 10:15
This is a beautiful flower but a very good photo as well - the repetition of form and color makes this image exceptional. V.
Dawid W.
Victoria30-Dec-2006 09:33
Love this close up, cool shot
Eric Carrère30-Dec-2006 08:35
Beautiful close up Tricia and wonderful colors, V.