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Colleen Prohaska | all galleries >> Galleries >> Atchison, Kansas > McInteer Villa
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McInteer Villa

Sony DSC-H5
1/200s f/8.0 at 6.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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joseantonio23-May-2010 04:50
Great shot. Beautiful place to live
blizzard12-Jul-2007 22:17
excellent angle of view
sharp with good color v
Guest 24-Feb-2007 16:15
Excelent shot
Lamar Nix15-Feb-2007 04:24
This is a very well executed composition. The key I think was the low vantage point that places the manse up high. The wildflowers in the yard are an interesting touch. I would go for a second image with those in the immediate foreground. Well seen and shot! Best wishes, Lamar.
James Robertson09-Jan-2007 06:11
Nice shot of a gorgeous building. The angle of the shot, exposure and clarity are all right on. Good work.
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