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Ray Rebortira | all galleries >> 2 >> Daily Snaps >> 2006 >> December 2006 > 27
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To Steve H

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AL08-Jan-2007 07:53
Busy people, busy lines, an excellent metro take!
Ana Carloto O'Shea29-Dec-2006 15:45
I can't believe that I was in the London underground and didn't take 1 photo... Oh well at least I can see them around pbase ;)
Guest 29-Dec-2006 01:38
Rob Rosetti28-Dec-2006 16:39
Love the chaos feeling and the neon lights! Great composition.
Craig Persel28-Dec-2006 00:28
Ye old "way out" in wonderful London. :-)
Guest 27-Dec-2006 22:08
Thanks Ray - I'm honoured. Tube madness at its best!
Roy Birger Nilsen27-Dec-2006 19:38
I got interested in the lonely man on the far right side,that would have been me,walking is good for you!lol Voted:-)
Barbara Heide27-Dec-2006 18:25
excellent! love this pov!
Guest 27-Dec-2006 16:15
I knew this was for Steve H before I even saw the title! Nice one!
Dallas Hyatt27-Dec-2006 15:54
The way out is way in.
Guenter Eh27-Dec-2006 14:52
Subway world - brilliant Ray!
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