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Nestor Derkach | all galleries >> Galleries >> BIRDS > Wren
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27-NOV-2006 Nestor Derkach


Not really sure what type of Wren this is , this is the first year we have a pair as residence.

Nikon D80 ,Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/500s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso140 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kat29-Apr-2007 11:54
Wonderful, and the berries do it for me every time, just great! -V-
Eric Carrère22-Feb-2007 17:46
Fantastic work and details Nestor, V.
Jola Dziubinska12-Feb-2007 19:06
Fantastic details and colors, Vote.
Guest 19-Jan-2007 11:44
Lovely capture! As mentioned by others: The setting is great and frames the bird beautifully. v
firstbrook12-Jan-2007 14:40
Lovely detail...v
Gus Rosenfeld03-Jan-2007 11:30
This guy is popping way off the canvas! Usually, I only see this with a complete blur bokeh. You seen to have a way of doing it pretty consistently with a delicate contrast balance. Beautiful tack sharp wren as well. g
Richard Calmes05-Dec-2006 16:13
Lovely shot! Great light! V
Peter Stahl05-Dec-2006 16:10
Your setting are so beautiful. Nice catchlight and pose. GMV.
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