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fred_il | all galleries >> Galleries >> expad_favorites > 28-11
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Guest 29-Nov-2006 02:44
Un ciel enflammé!
Rob Rosetti28-Nov-2006 18:06
Hellyeah! This is really beautiful! :)
Gilles Navet28-Nov-2006 12:09
Superbement dramatique
Shimon Levkovich28-Nov-2006 11:25
Splendid sunset image!!!
Steven Jusczyk28-Nov-2006 09:34
Extreme sunset, excellent!
Guest 28-Nov-2006 04:39
Un ciel tout en puissance et exces! Joliment fait.
AL28-Nov-2006 03:34
Woooowwwwwwwwwwwww! Stunning colors and light, very dramatic and kind of threatening. Mind blowing. Voted.
Craig Persel28-Nov-2006 00:16
Eckhart Derschmidt27-Nov-2006 23:35
Great! love the grainy textures.
Silvia Roitman27-Nov-2006 20:57
wonderful colours!!!
olivier bruning27-Nov-2006 20:49
couldn't agree more! V
Guenter Eh27-Nov-2006 19:32
Rough and beautiful!!!
Guest 27-Nov-2006 18:10
Stunning colors! Beautiful image.