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Sheena Xin Liu | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Trip to American West > me
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I'd like to thank Richard Kendell to take this picture of me while I was touring around Arches.

Canon EOS 20D
1/125s f/5.0 at 63.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yves Rubin25-Nov-2006 02:35
Beautiful portrait, nice to meet you! Your galleries are so beautiful.
Sheena Xin Liu16-Nov-2006 05:32
You are right, Phil. The less is more. :)
Phil Douglis15-Nov-2006 23:40
Another thought -- your teeth are biting down on the edge of this shot, which for some might be a distraction. If you could try cropping the image just above that half smile, everything changes, the image becomes more abstract and mysterious.
Tía11-Nov-2006 23:52
Remember "The wind, Soho, NYC"?
Phil Douglis10-Nov-2006 19:36
You have made a portrait into a windblown landscape of the human face. Very appropriate for the place you are in, Xin.
b-w studio10-Nov-2006 18:13
Nice smile...
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