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Test shot.

Was given a bag of old, expired 120 films from a Photography lecturer.

This was a roll of Provia 100F transparency. I love it!
Gonna try and get my hands on a batch.

I shot this with the Lubitel 166 - I'm not sure if the Lubitel is
strictly a toy cam, or whether it's just a cheap MF camera. It cost me about £10.
Ironically, I have never got such good browns with my 5D.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
sebas veldhuisen09-Nov-2006 22:28
Gives a beautiful picture!
Craig Persel09-Nov-2006 00:11
I really like this. Zooming in really abstracts this image and gives it a wonderful quality.
Victoria08-Nov-2006 18:06
Nicely shot with ball and chain, wonderful coloursas well
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