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27-OCT-2006 © jp

Chasing the light...........

Nikon D80
1/200s f/5.3 at 95.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bill Ewart Jr06-Nov-2006 23:33
Nicely captured!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever hear of that superhero....The Green Lantern!!!!!!!
Guest 31-Oct-2006 00:42
Beautiful image James!
ewa toll30-Oct-2006 17:55
very nice
Char29-Oct-2006 03:14
Beautiful capture Jim! V
royalld28-Oct-2006 23:59
Great composition. Outstanding range of light.
Guest 28-Oct-2006 14:48
Nicely done James...
Martha Albuquerque28-Oct-2006 13:50
so good to see and learn. great work here. v
Buz Kiefer28-Oct-2006 13:21
There's an interesting juxtaposition for you. Nicely done James.
Jola Dziubinska28-Oct-2006 10:55
laine8228-Oct-2006 04:25
Ah, worth the chase for certain.
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