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Ana Carloto O'Shea | all galleries >> OLD WORK >> My Way >> Just shadows > -1
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18-OCT-2006 Ana Carloto


Taken yesterday also.
I've missed the 11:50h boat by 2 seconds and found
myself on an empty station while the clouds were clearing.
It's good that I always carry the little old kodak with me,
I am never bored with it in my hands.

This one's for you girl, because I know that you miss
Portugal like crazy ;)

UPDATE: Thank you all that have come to see my last photos,
I'll be out for a few days, but I'll get back to commenting
and p-mailing by the middle of next week.
A great weekend to everybody ;)

Kodak DX7630
1/1500s f/5.6 at 8.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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endre novak11-Jul-2009 18:29
Thierry Lucas08-Dec-2008 22:56
Excellent. V
stuart reid07-Feb-2008 19:04
Full of impact and drama. Wonderful.
Milos Markovic08-Dec-2007 16:07
Zeev Parush30-Jul-2007 17:58
wonderful use of light and colors
12305-Jan-2007 04:29
Superb image.
Richard Calmes07-Dec-2006 13:33
I love this one! The light and the shadows are very dramatic! V
monica memoli28-Nov-2006 11:06
Powerful! v
Guest 12-Nov-2006 09:42
-1 me plait aussi mais comme les autres tu pousses le constraste à fond ainsi que la saturation, le modernisme, figures toi que je me fais jeter des sites que je fréquente pour mes mixages qui sont illisibles etc ... Mixages qui se vendent pas top mal jusque maintenant.
Guest 09-Nov-2006 12:16
Guest 05-Nov-2006 17:54
(I'm speechless)
Guest 05-Nov-2006 17:53
Guest 28-Oct-2006 01:29
Ray :)27-Oct-2006 23:11
Never rush for the boat ;-)
type25-Oct-2006 22:24
Majestic sculpting of shadow and light.It's as if any soul who happened to tread across that patch of reflected shadow and piercing light would be caught in a wave of the divine.
Guest 23-Oct-2006 23:01
Superb... Voted !! I love this darkness hmm ... J'aime j'aime j'aime
akleja21-Oct-2006 18:47
Fantastic! A big, big VOTE!!
Martha Albuquerque21-Oct-2006 03:45
Lovely Ana!! ~Voted~
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography20-Oct-2006 23:58
Perfect shot, Vote :)
Antonis Sarantos20-Oct-2006 21:28
A masterpiece!!! A big vote.
Barbara Heide20-Oct-2006 20:43
absolutely stunning! wonderful light and coulours...great composition!
Chris Sofopoulos20-Oct-2006 19:54
Amazingly beautiful image Ana! The light and the play with the shadows create a very good photo.
Guest 20-Oct-2006 12:00
Cette belle lumière, Ana, toujours... merci!
Guest 20-Oct-2006 08:01
hm...weekend? will be great for u, im defenetly sure of that..
As for the photo..just like my mood nowdays..thanks.
Guest 20-Oct-2006 01:05
Um estilo muito teu, mais de escuros que de claros, O claro, a luz mostra o teu tema, o escuro lembra que há mais.Sabes , eu adoro musica. Sobretudo aquele jazz bravo e dificil, sem melodia, feito de emoções para aqueles que querem ouvir emoções. No Free Jazz, há um solo e um fundo, um claro e um escuro. Aqui, pode não teres tema, mas uma emoção e o texto o complementa. Eu uso complementar as musicas com fotos.Um tema de jazz é o tema para uma foto de Ema, que parece sonhar.
Acho que escutas um poema ou um texto e aí e daí sai uma foto.
Craig Persel19-Oct-2006 22:57
Really beautiful.
Robbie D7019-Oct-2006 19:37
This for me is superb, one of your best, its so moody and attractive ! GMV
Guest 19-Oct-2006 19:27
Thanks to this missed boat, you took the time. This image is all about light, dramatic light, and you capture just enough of it. This is brilliant, Ana. Voted.
Kal Khogali19-Oct-2006 14:14
Fantastic image, he impact of the light here overcomes everyting...hope in the dark. Brilliant. K
Bernd Koenemann19-Oct-2006 13:46
That one I like. It gives the room the feeling of a cathedral for the lost souls who just missed their boat.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 12:02
... comme quoi, il y a toujours un côté positif à toutes choses. Sans ces deux secondes, nous n'aurions pas vu ce cliché... qui est très beau! J'aimais déjà la vue d'hier (en particulier les nuages), celle-ci est superbe!
(NB: je crois te l'avoir déjà écrit... quelle chance tu as de prendre le bateau pour aller travailler. Un rêve!!:))
Christine P. Newman19-Oct-2006 10:17
What an eye you have Ana! And now we can enjoy your "vision".
Guest 19-Oct-2006 10:13
Obviously "A KODAK MOMENT"
Guest 19-Oct-2006 09:12
Simply stunning. Love this shot. Love everything about it - the light emerging from dark borders, the light reflecting off that tiled floor, the amazing blue in the sky... and that view... Honestly, I think it was worth missing the boat for...
Sam_C19-Oct-2006 08:26
I'm not the 'girl' but man, this is superb! I love this image Ana! :-)
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