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brother_mark | all galleries >> photo some days >> July- December 2006 > September 4, 2006
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September 4, 2006

On a 51 mile ride through Middleburg, VA--horse country. The Kennedys, Jack and Jackie, used to stay out here. This was the only shot I got. I didn't anticipate the perfect shot 60 seconds or so earlier and couldn't get the camera out fast enough. You can get a sense of the speed here, though. I liked the look of this when it filled my screen, so I made it 1200x900.

Nikon Coolpix 3100
1/44s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 05-Jan-2007 20:01
Love the effect this imag gives!
Guest 21-Sep-2006 01:47
Impressionistically passing thru.