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Gonzalo Castellano | all galleries >> Galleries >> norway_sea_eagles > Catch
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Canon EOS 30D
1/2500s f/5.0 at 235.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
godro20-Feb-2013 23:50
Nice flight shot and capture,well done!
Rich Westfall20-Sep-2006 15:59
Great capture on this one.
kliscinsky20-Sep-2006 12:21
great catch! (no pun intended)
Alida Thorpe20-Sep-2006 11:47
Great shot!!
Aristóteles Alves Ferreira 20-Sep-2006 10:16
Lindissima foto........Parabéns
Guest 20-Sep-2006 09:31
very nice capture
Guest 20-Sep-2006 09:24
Fantastic capture!
Guest 20-Sep-2006 09:22
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