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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte | all galleries >> Galleries >> candid > RED
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09-SEP-2004 Ronny



Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 300mm f/4 ED-IF AF-S
1/400s f/6.3 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 23-Mar-2013 20:28
Wonder if the carpet ( if there is any) matches the drapes????
PauloCGama22-Feb-2008 23:20
unique expression.
Guest 03-May-2007 10:57
Guest 24-Feb-2007 13:16
Super shot my friend
Yiannis Pavlis10-Nov-2006 04:26
very beautifull capture.excellent shot.
Guest 15-Sep-2006 22:34
This is really very red...she must be into politics!
Chris Sofopoulos15-Sep-2006 07:39
Funny expression but beautiful hair and eyes!
PauloCGama14-Sep-2006 13:56
my friend, this gallery of yours is top!!
Ray :)14-Sep-2006 00:47
Like Fire!
shatterbug13-Sep-2006 19:56
Yes, that's RED! Appropriately titled, nice shot!
BAS Photography13-Sep-2006 17:24
Lovely candid! ~V~
Galina Stepanova13-Sep-2006 16:43
This one is the most red of your red's, Ronny.
Bravo to this one and to all your collection!