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Ian Cameron | all galleries >> Transient Light >> Europe > Monday Morning Burano
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Ian Cameron

Monday Morning Burano

Burano, Venice, Italy.

The multicoloured houses of Burano painted so that the fisherman could find there way back home in the fog. Monday was wash day and all the inhabitants seem to compete for the cleanest and best hung laundry award.

Contax ST ,28-85mm zoom,Fujichrome Velvia
F11 at 1/60 sec, polariser. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tom Briggs17-Sep-2007 22:09
Great colors and composition, Ian ... voted
YIANNIS BARBERIS03-Jun-2007 23:29
Grigorescu Mihai 12-Oct-2006 12:59
Very, very nice ! Beautiful colours !!!
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