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Golden Moment

thanks Dan for the title..

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Johan Gerrits28-Aug-2008 20:44
Beautiful golden composition Nicky, great work!!!
Guest 11-Nov-2006 09:15
Beautiful colors and Shot. Patrick
Gayle P. Clement26-Aug-2006 13:13
Wonderful golden light. GMV!
Greg Harp25-Aug-2006 00:38
Gorgeous work. Voted
Focus24-Aug-2006 04:11
Stunning image.......GMV
Chris22-Aug-2006 04:17
Silky and serene
Ken McColl22-Aug-2006 01:28
Excellent soft and evocative. KMc
Bob B.22-Aug-2006 00:36
Beautiful! v
Craig Persel21-Aug-2006 23:27
Char21-Aug-2006 22:20
Perfect shot Nicky and wonderful title for it. GMV
Dan Chusid21-Aug-2006 21:58
Only seemed natural.
Glad to be of service Nicky!
- Dan
Neil Horner21-Aug-2006 20:57
a work of art, amazing capture, voted.
Kees Terberg21-Aug-2006 20:43
Ohhh, fantastic. No need for further words. V
Guest 21-Aug-2006 20:41
Fabulous Roe. Light for a dream, a breathe, a smile. V
Ray :)21-Aug-2006 19:57
Make it more than a moment :-)
Guest 21-Aug-2006 18:53
Yep,the perfect title. V
Guest 21-Aug-2006 18:11
Wow, this is so nice!! Fantastic!
Guest 21-Aug-2006 18:11
Super warm tones and comp..V
Sharon Rogers21-Aug-2006 17:13
very very beautiful!! v>
Rob Rosetti21-Aug-2006 13:55
Excellent golden lighting! Terrific play of reflection! Roberto
Guest 21-Aug-2006 13:02
excellent...simple, great lighting. voted.
carol j. phipps21-Aug-2006 12:01
Exquisite! Love the color.
fred_il21-Aug-2006 11:17
Guest 21-Aug-2006 09:22
Magnificent golden beauty. Voted.
Guest 21-Aug-2006 08:47
Masterful work! Big V
laine8221-Aug-2006 07:26
On golden pond indeed...just lovely.
Guest 21-Aug-2006 07:20
Same pond as two days ago? Such beautiful light!
J. Scott Coile21-Aug-2006 04:21
Amazing Roe! Vote. Vote. Vote.
Bryan Murahashi21-Aug-2006 04:16
Superb reflection and color. GMV.
Rich Westfall21-Aug-2006 03:12
Awesome reflection. The color and lighting is superb.
royalld21-Aug-2006 02:36
Great light and composition.
Michael Shpuntov21-Aug-2006 02:21
Stuning light and reflection, but most of all atmosphere. V
Coleen Perilloux Landry21-Aug-2006 02:11
Glorious reflection and silhouettes.
Guest 21-Aug-2006 02:11
Marvelous image
Dan Chusid21-Aug-2006 02:08
Golden moment.
Kathy Pedersen21-Aug-2006 02:03
Oh Roe, this is truly a masterpiece! Stunning colors and reflections. Voted
Mindy McNaugher21-Aug-2006 01:47
Stunning shot! Vote!
De'Carr Studio21-Aug-2006 01:42
Outstanding, Roe.. Giant VOTE