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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> A few days to.. >> Serbia >
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He was standing in front of the door of his house
waiting, thinking. His look and expression were so
strong that I couldn't resist. I pushed the button:)

Canon EOS 20D
1/250s f/4.5 at 210.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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an nguyen29-Feb-2012 21:31
I would of sitting here and vote all day , my favorite .
I start with saying . I love your work .
Robyco19-Dec-2006 13:45
Great catch, you really go for emotions. Perfect.
Jannik Lindquist13-Oct-2006 20:24
Very powerful shot, Chris! GMV
Guest 20-Sep-2006 18:21
Sweet image. I wonder what's on his mind. :) Fantastic candid Chris. Gmv.
Guest 19-Sep-2006 20:15
Well composed and very nice image. Light and colors are quite good.
Guest 27-Aug-2006 01:34
Just wonderful. Vote.
Ana Carloto O'Shea20-Aug-2006 21:38
And surely you were able to take the camera out at the right time because the photo is fantastic.
Guest 18-Aug-2006 16:38
Beautiful moment, very nice composition..
Martha Albuquerque17-Aug-2006 18:15
Guest 16-Aug-2006 21:41
Your portraits are always superb & this is no exception. Great light composition & expression. V.
Johan Toll16-Aug-2006 20:58
Lovely portrait! Very sensetive, love the light too! V
Martha Albuquerque16-Aug-2006 01:37
wonderful, Chris, my vote.
Richard Calmes13-Aug-2006 19:47
Sweet and perfect framing! The black frames him just right
Guest 13-Aug-2006 16:42
In a moment he was captured for a lifetime!
Perfect moment it was too! v!
shatterbug12-Aug-2006 12:25
Excellent portrait! He looks troubled. V.
Wenche Aune11-Aug-2006 21:18
Beautiful candid
Steven Jusczyk10-Aug-2006 02:54
Looks like heavy thoughts for a little boy.
Guest 09-Aug-2006 23:42
It´s beautiful, but , to me a bit sad. Now he still can dream of a life as good as he can and has the right to hope for.
But...history , facts of life , are telling us, our child dreams never came true.
Nice pix, makes me congratulate you, it is beautiful, makes me think...
Regards, my friend Chris,
Guest 09-Aug-2006 18:48
Great shot of him Chris - voted
nomadicdragon09-Aug-2006 18:28
wonderful candid.
Guest 09-Aug-2006 17:28
Beautiful composition ! This is wonderful!!
laine8209-Aug-2006 11:57
One of those great opportunities that cannot be passed up ! ~vote
Besati09-Aug-2006 07:02
What has driven him so deep in thoughts? Beautiful candid, Chris.
Guest 09-Aug-2006 05:48
Beautiful boy, bautiful picture, beautiful lighting and...VOTE
Gary Winters09-Aug-2006 05:48
It's a beautiful shot, Chris.
Chris09-Aug-2006 05:10
Excellent candid. Great breadth of feeling.
AL09-Aug-2006 04:43
I agree, I wouldn't be able to resist shooting him too :-)
Bryan Murahashi09-Aug-2006 04:38
Great capture of his thoughful expression. GMV.
Guest 09-Aug-2006 01:53
Excellent candid capture Chris!
Mindy McNaugher09-Aug-2006 00:59
A beautiful and sensitive candid! Wonderful! Vote!
J. Scott Coile08-Aug-2006 21:46
So mesmerized!
arminb08-Aug-2006 21:26
markvm08-Aug-2006 19:31
About time you posted a photo...:)
Great shot of the boy. his shiny hair catches my eye.
Guest 08-Aug-2006 18:26
Excellent capture Chris. The little boy seems like he's sad. I hope not. :)
Cindy Flood08-Aug-2006 17:56
Wonderful capture, Chris. gmv
Guenter Eh08-Aug-2006 17:39
Fantastic contemplation of a child Chris!
Marjan Schavemaker08-Aug-2006 17:02
Another great image, Chris!
QUERIDO08-Aug-2006 16:56