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fred_il | all galleries >> Galleries >> expad_favorites > 07-08
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olivier bruning27-Nov-2006 08:48
love this one, the mysterious atmosphere. V
Guest 01-Sep-2006 10:18
I love the effect here - adds mystery and depth
Guest 17-Aug-2006 05:05
Very cool shot. Well done.
Naoki Hayashi's Photo Gallery16-Aug-2006 04:54
Sooooo nice shot!! Absolutely great use of light and shadow.
Also nice composition too!!
Big my Vote!!
Guest 12-Aug-2006 04:19
Fantastic,Fred! Add my vote
Chris Sofopoulos08-Aug-2006 22:22
The frame, the strong contrast and the almost monochrome effect create a fantastic image Fred.
Love it. v
sebas veldhuisen07-Aug-2006 15:24
great texture on the floor!
Rob Rosetti07-Aug-2006 14:10
Agree with Ai Li: mysteriously strong! Roberto
laine8207-Aug-2006 05:20
Love the tones, the out of focus shapes & the light !!
AL07-Aug-2006 03:02
Great lighting, contrast and treatment. Mysteriously strong.
Craig Persel06-Aug-2006 23:08
Well done.
Guest 06-Aug-2006 22:28
Le fort contraste marche tres bien, et les tons dores sont superbes.
Stu06-Aug-2006 21:39
Wonderful shot
Guest 06-Aug-2006 21:15
Nice image :O)
Guest 06-Aug-2006 20:21
Une image très forte! J'aime beaucoup ces contrastes. BraVO!
Guenter Eh06-Aug-2006 18:50
Stunning image - abstracted reality! Superb treatment with a strong expression! Excellent Fred!
Guest 06-Aug-2006 18:26
Wonderful image and treatment. Vote
Guest 06-Aug-2006 17:45
Déconstruction, voire dissolution ; le sol s'efface, le ciel disparaît, le décor fond... cela a l'apparence d'une esquisse, et c'est la réalité d'une grande image. Bravo!;)