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Nathalie Vuillemin | all galleries >> France >> Drôme > nathalie.jpg
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Photo par Samuel Chenal

Canon EOS 20D
1/30s f/4.0 at 38.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Mostafa Moftah15-Mar-2012 12:03
Hello Nathalie :)
marko gregoric22-Jan-2011 15:48
Great portrait. V.
bernie vuillemin 13-Apr-2009 17:52
ravi de voir de si belles fotos
Nice to look so many pictures

Best Regards from Guadeloupe
cjm200121-Jun-2007 06:59
Hello Nathalie! I enjoyed looking through your galleries. I'll be back to look some more. Thanks for sharing!