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Roozbeh Shivayi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flora >
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Judy Whitton14-Oct-2007 06:16
Wow, what a beautiful Ranunculus! Great focus and lighting and you really captured the white brilliantly!
Soenda31-Aug-2007 08:53
Exquisite in depth, detail and composition. The texture in the petals is outstanding. I like this photo very much.
carabias19-Aug-2007 15:14
Magnífica... GMV
Robyco05-Mar-2007 22:24
This is well done (V)
not only a good crop, it so white and light is very smooth !!
Guest 16-Jan-2007 14:00
Perfect shot!
Henry Taitano25-Dec-2006 22:12
Perfect exposure.
Julie Bird18-Dec-2006 03:10
Very pleasant shot! I know how difficult it is to photograph white flowers with such elegance. Voted
Rosemarie Kusserow16-Dec-2006 07:57
Really wonderful, this composition I like a lot, excellent sharpness and very nice light, voted, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 03-Dec-2006 17:16
An amazing photograph. As good as it gets. zM
Robert Charity24-Nov-2006 15:26
Long Bach Nguyen16-Nov-2006 15:27
very nice macro picture and wonderful exposure
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