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23-JUN-2006 Manfred Bachmann


Nikon D2h ,Nikkor 200mm f/2G IF-ED AF-S VR
1/4000s f/2.0 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 04-Jun-2007 15:15
Argishti Khachik04-Jul-2006 07:05
Just perfect!
BAS Photography27-Jun-2006 19:16
You crack me up really bad with this one!!! ~V~
Pepe Zyman27-Jun-2006 17:54
I just love "Bacardi"
Günter Hofstädter27-Jun-2006 16:35
wirkles fesh und fashioned !
David Friedl27-Jun-2006 16:27
na das is ganz sicher ein Highlight