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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abstractionism > Out Of Order - IMG_0089
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June 2006 Roberto Rosetti

Out Of Order - IMG_0089

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Kimberley Hannaman Taylor04-Nov-2006 23:03
Wonderful. V.
Girlzilla 24-Sep-2006 07:22
You seem to always find the vivid colors.
George Christakos17-Sep-2006 14:09
Wonderful vivid colors. Great capture.
marie-jose wolff14-Jul-2006 16:17
wonderful image !
great composition !
Doria08-Jul-2006 12:27
I love this!
Ray Rebortira06-Jul-2006 02:25
I like the boldness of your approach here.
Guest 27-Jun-2006 18:31
Such vibrancy and such a clean composition
Donald Verger27-Jun-2006 09:58
i love this image! ovlte!=vote!
R.Moreno26-Jun-2006 13:14
Vibrant and very, very well composed. Big vote.
arminb26-Jun-2006 10:44
errr...'chance' of course
arminb26-Jun-2006 10:43
wonderful! If you have a change to do this one a 2nd time...I think it would work perfectly (in non-abstract way) with an aged person sitting in front as well :o)
Sue Robertson26-Jun-2006 08:33
You really have a talent for this. V
shatterbug26-Jun-2006 04:31
Wonderful comp, lines, and colors! V.
Guest 25-Jun-2006 15:43
BraVo Roberto, la composizione e i colori sono fantastica!
Shimon Levkovich25-Jun-2006 09:13
Perfectly framed and compositioned. I love the colours. GMV, Roberto.
Guest 25-Jun-2006 08:31
Utterly majestic Roberto - fantastic exercise in colour and geometry. Vote.
ltolksdorf25-Jun-2006 07:15
Squared C24-Jun-2006 23:50
Awesome colors and line! Love it!
Craig Persel24-Jun-2006 23:10
Wonderful lines and colors.
Guest 24-Jun-2006 21:47
love it !
Doug Kessler24-Jun-2006 19:48
Wonderful composition and color, roberto! V
Guenter Eh24-Jun-2006 17:18
Breaking the lines (with the blue pillar) - and create a new symmetry though! Your best work so far in this fabulous series Roberto! Bravo!!!
Adalberto Tiburzi24-Jun-2006 17:06
Marisa Livet24-Jun-2006 16:47
A refined exercise of geometrical forms expressed in photography.
The blue pillar, as other rightly noticed, is the element which gives originality to the scene, breaking its apparent monotony.
As if it was a symbol of capricious fancy, which voluntarily upsets the rule and the formalism…
Marc Demoulin24-Jun-2006 16:29
Roberto a winner!! Vote.
AL24-Jun-2006 16:03
Love the vibrant colors. The blue pillar broke the neat lines and added a great new dimension. Voted.