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11-JUN-2006 Greg Harp

Mount Rushmore at Dusk ~ June 11 [11]

Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota

We stopped by Keytone and Mount Rushmore on our way home. I'm still swamped with work and images--I haven't quite finished even going through the last of the images taken on our last day in Yellowstone. Many thanks to everyone who has commented on my images. Particularly since I've been remiss in getting around to everyone else's. At this rate it'll take me quite a long time to get caught up. :(

other sizes: small medium original auto
Don DeMille 17-Aug-2007 21:38
I've never been to the monument and I thought, at first, that this was a miniature reproduction built on top of a small building - all before I read the caption.

Beautiful photo - intense sky.

(enjoying your photos!)
Rich Jedlicka, Lincoln NE 12-Aug-2007 04:30
Fantastic photo. Only improvement would be to have the small group in the left of the photo to be walking towards the monument. This is as close as you can probably get naturally to capturing the essence of the scene in Speilberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind where the affected ones were drawn to Devil's Monument. If this had been taken prior to the movie I think you could have made a case that Spielberg got his inspiration from you. Your wildlife photos are fabulous...I am impressed.
Guest 01-Aug-2006 21:40
I like the dramatic sky the way you capture it.
Guest 24-Jun-2006 13:54
love this dramatic sky
Craig Persel22-Jun-2006 10:33
Excellent and original angle on a much photographed subject.
Guest 21-Jun-2006 23:10
Greg, this is beautiful. The colours in the sky are amazing.
I would like to see this once but it's a very long detour on a USA trip.
Guest 21-Jun-2006 15:19
Magnificent sky
Wei O'Connell21-Jun-2006 03:51
Beautiful composition, sky, tones ... Excellent shot. voted.
Guest 21-Jun-2006 00:16
Wonderful light, sky, tones... V
Doug Kessler20-Jun-2006 23:21
Just a great shot with a wonderful sky to boot. Great work and gets my vote.
Cindi Smith20-Jun-2006 23:19
This is totally awesome...the lighting is perfect and the clouds wonderful. I've never seen Mount Rushmore look so good. HUGE VOTE!
Neil Horner20-Jun-2006 18:51
wow ! what a sky VOTED !.
Jim Ross20-Jun-2006 14:19
Wow...Fantastic work..
royalld20-Jun-2006 13:48
This picture needs no words.
Guenter Eh20-Jun-2006 11:56
Almost a spiritual mood - fantastic clouds and light!
Neal Nye20-Jun-2006 11:35
What luck to get clouds like that. Beautiful exposure.
purpod20-Jun-2006 10:47
what a surreal image, Greg! Xllnt shot. And welcome home ~
Sheila20-Jun-2006 09:14
Those mammatus clouds are just fantastic.
I have never seen this monument from this angle, it is very interesting!
Steven Jusczyk20-Jun-2006 07:16
Very dramatic sky!
Flemming Bo Jensen Photography20-Jun-2006 06:54
lovely!!! The clouds are amazing, nice exposure.
Marc Demoulin20-Jun-2006 06:20
Great sky Greg!!
QUERIDO20-Jun-2006 06:13
nice shot
Debbie B.20-Jun-2006 04:58
Those clouds are amazing! I love the tone of the picture.
Bryan Murahashi20-Jun-2006 04:21
Beautiful capture. Those clouds are amazing.
Robin Reid20-Jun-2006 04:10
This is impressive. See if you can hold the sky yuet boost the gamma on the monument.
Dennis Hoyne20-Jun-2006 03:31
An interesting viewpoint, and a great sky.
s_barbour20-Jun-2006 03:31
Wow, very impressive image Greg. The sky is quite dramatic behind Mount Rushmore.
Karen Leaf20-Jun-2006 03:22
The lighting is exquisite Greg.
(Making self a note to catch up with you)
Bill Ewart Jr20-Jun-2006 03:22
Wonderful shot~ Really magnificent!
Jen Bixler20-Jun-2006 03:10
Excellent image.
Blair Howell20-Jun-2006 03:10
Wonderful Shot! Stunning!
Gary Hebert20-Jun-2006 03:06
very powerful and dramatic Greg... A beauty... :)
Coleen Perilloux Landry20-Jun-2006 03:04
Excellent. GMV
De'Carr Studio20-Jun-2006 03:01
Such a dramatic sky!!!
Al Varland20-Jun-2006 02:56
Great Sky...Well Done!