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Silvia Roitman | all galleries >> Galleries >> blanco y negro > sombreros
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FujiFilm SP-3000

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endre novak24-Nov-2010 19:30
Shimon Levkovich16-Jun-2010 22:39
Intriguing image. V
pascal15-Mar-2010 18:05
A fantastic mood ! Excellent composition.
franz14-Mar-2010 21:28
Barri Olson24-Feb-2010 02:20
The interplay between the lights and the hats is incredible and superb. Wonderful impact.
settler30-Dec-2009 17:46
Absolutely superb!..V!
tomandlinda23-Oct-2009 14:49
Wonderful B&W. Very imaginative.v.linda
Marco Valk13-Jan-2009 17:45
excellent; very creative work. v
Guest 16-Jul-2008 18:32
An unusual silhouete and composition, v.
Guest 18-Jun-2008 20:34
Very good image!V!
Meggi Raeder15-May-2008 18:27
Wow, what an image! I love hte composition, the repetition in the lamps and hats - just wonderful. Starkness of corporate life! ~V~
Luca Zanoni06-Feb-2008 20:54
dame una isla en el medio del mar
... llama la libertad
H. P. Henriksen Starman04-Nov-2007 20:37
Excelent. v.
Guest 20-Oct-2007 22:10
Love this shot!
lgprice20-Oct-2007 14:11
good capture.
Guest 18-Oct-2007 02:56

one of your best.

big V
Guest 13-Oct-2007 13:55
This is really really good. I love the grain and the overall atmosphere. Excellent work!
Yves Rubin22-Sep-2007 15:31
Amazing eye you have! Exquisite shot!
Wenche Aune01-Aug-2007 00:42
Wondeful shot. V
Yiannis Pavlis30-Jul-2007 03:41
To me an outstanding B/W image with great point of view and excellent harmony between light and shadow.v
Simon Chandler29-Jul-2007 21:04
Excellent work. Very artistic. v
uri mahlev26-Jun-2007 21:12
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography05-Jun-2007 19:18
veyr nice work
Ray :)26-May-2007 00:43
Wonderful, mystical image!
Guest 18-Mar-2007 08:06
Me gusta mucho esta foto. La atmosphera me encanta. Felicitaciones.
Paco López14-Mar-2007 18:52
Hay muchas fotos excelentes aquí, Silvia, pero esta para mí es especialmente bella y buena!!! ¡Muy gran voto! ¡Very big vote!
Guest 13-Mar-2007 15:33
V. My favorite in your B & W gallery. So white and so black !
olivier bruning08-Jan-2007 21:52
love this shot! great mood. ~V~
Craig Persel03-Jan-2007 14:20
Wonderful shot. Bravo.
JOSE MATA31-Dec-2006 01:59
Chris Sofopoulos29-Dec-2006 10:14
Very nice photo! I like how you composed it! v
Guest 05-Dec-2006 05:05
Great shot, love the structure of the shot
Bill Warren11-Nov-2006 01:51
Beautiful, moody.
Guest 04-Nov-2006 01:38
Guest 27-Oct-2006 14:42
Awesome composition,Silvia!
Guest 17-Oct-2006 20:34
Love the composition! Hats off to you, Silvia! GMV
Eric Herbelin26-Sep-2006 21:22
sombreros y luces!
Naoki Hayashi's Photo Gallery25-Jul-2006 01:38
Love the atmosphere... Nice..
Guest 14-Jul-2006 20:49
Interesting repetition of the shapes - the hats, but also the lights that have a hat form. Nice treatment.
Guest 12-Jun-2006 20:42
Stunning bw lighting and composition. Vote
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