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Cecilia Lim | all galleries >> Galleries >> me > Good Morning, My Friend!
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02-NOV-2003 Tan Chor Eng

Good Morning, My Friend!

My furry pal Zoey and I, photographed by my husband. Zoey is probably the most photographed subject in our lives! I hope to dedicate a gallery to him here at Pbase some day!

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Guest 10-Oct-2007 09:20
Oh wow... this is a great image. Well done!
An ex-pbaser. Saw your link from Mel's. Cheers.
flowsnow19-May-2007 19:58
This is a beautiful shot of you and your best friend. A memorable image to keep and I will make a print and hang that on my wall!
Phil Douglis04-Jun-2006 19:42
Magnificent image, Chor!!!! The space between his nose and your lips crackles with tension. Zoey seems bit uncertain, and so do you. Who gets kissed first? That's the question Chor asks of us.