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alexeig | all galleries >> Galleries >> Indonesia > Yin and Yang
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Yin and Yang

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Eldar Kadymov01-Apr-2007 20:36
Is that what they serve for dinner in Norway ?!
Carol E Sandgren16-Feb-2007 04:36
What a beautifully balanced shot! Yin and Yang indeed! Looks like plumeria and something else. I bet the scent is intoxicating!
1moremile20-Aug-2006 01:32
Very nice.
Galina Stepanova08-Jun-2006 15:32
Interesting interpretation, well presented.
Rob Rosetti01-Jun-2006 20:20
Excellent concept, stunning composition and lighting. V. Roberto
Anna Yu30-May-2006 03:31
Very good idea for a creative shot. Mind if I borrow the concept.
mario .n28-May-2006 17:56
beautiful composition ! splendid ligth
Wenche Aune28-May-2006 08:32
Beautiful light and detail.
Didier Vanderperre28-May-2006 01:49
Great capture !
Fred Parsons27-May-2006 17:18
Beautiful - looks good enough to eat !!!!!
marie-jose wolff27-May-2006 17:13
very nice !