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Shirley Wang | all galleries >> North Carolina >> For the younger ones >> Celebration of Mud > Celebration of mud!
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21-MAY-2006 Xianghong Shirley Wang

Celebration of mud!

I had so much fun with this boy. I made a whole gallery of him

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30
1/125s f/4.5 at 29.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 24-May-2006 01:47
What a face! Great capture!
Guest 24-May-2006 01:27
Wonderful work.
Phil Douglis24-May-2006 00:20
This is the best of them -- the simplest, most emotional and most expressive. It grabs our imagination. I can only think of what he will look like when he really gets into it!
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