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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Been There...Done That! >> NYC > Brooklyn Bridge
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Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn, NY

taken Saturday on my trip to NYC.

Casio EX-Z750
1/640s f/8.0 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Yiannis Pavlis28-May-2008 12:53
Wonderful capture .
Malcolm Smith27-May-2008 06:53
Cool, great composition.
Dan Chusid30-Apr-2007 03:49
How did I miss this one?
I wanna walk across there with my camera soooo bad.
shatterbug30-Apr-2007 03:42
Hehe, nice ping...I was on the other side of the bridge :-)
Chris Thorpe17-May-2006 13:11
Well seen. Great sky and very effective light.
Guest 09-May-2006 15:40
Very Nice
Katie Chew09-May-2006 13:18
Great shot
Guest 09-May-2006 11:46
There are several images of a stormy sky with the sun coming through today. Your's is one of the best. Very nice.
Guest 09-May-2006 09:49
Great dramatic sky. V
Tom Munson09-May-2006 04:48
Terrific shot, great sky.
Scott Browne09-May-2006 04:03
Great catch! Love the sunbeam positioned right over the tower.
Char09-May-2006 03:15
Excellent shot Jennifer! V
Graham Tomlin09-May-2006 01:34
very nice regards Helen
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