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Jude Marion | all galleries >> Galleries >> black and white >
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Guest 22-May-2006 07:37
wow love this one....the b+w makes this image
Rene Hales14-May-2006 00:39
Wonderful light and tone.--Rene
gary becker11-May-2006 14:22
Absolutely wonderful capture. Tone is so rich. Love the depth.
Lee Rudd06-May-2006 19:42
excellent toning... the pigeon is totally at home
Steve Price06-May-2006 19:38
Good shot.
Guest 05-May-2006 10:53
Superb image. Excellent composition, and great B&W
Dan Chusid05-May-2006 07:40
I feel an Edgar Allan Poe story coming on...
caveman_lee05-May-2006 05:50
A very nice B&W shot.
Steven Jusczyk05-May-2006 05:46
Kind of an eerie urban shot. The pigeon looks like it's cowering, like it would rather be behind the bars.