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Nico de Bruin | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> May 2006 > 2 May
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2 May

Canon EOS 20D ,Sigma 150mm f/2.8 APO EX DG Macro HSM
1/250s f/2.8 at 150.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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BAS Photography03-Sep-2008 15:57
Excellent SP! ~V~
Guest 29-Aug-2008 01:26
Cool SP indeed!
Cindi Smith15-Sep-2006 03:24
Great SP!
Naomi 17-Aug-2006 20:14
Nice to meet you. Love this mysterious SP
Guest 03-May-2006 11:58
Great sp gmv
nordic02-May-2006 23:06
Neat shot Nico!
Ray Rebortira02-May-2006 22:57
Hello,and that's a super SP!!!
Knox O02-May-2006 19:52
cool shot.