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Jess. ( Lady.D.) | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eagles > Large Eagle Nest
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21-APR-2006 Lady D.

Large Eagle Nest

The biggest eagle nest I have ever seen. At first I thought wow that is a large nest then as I was taking some shots up popped a eagle and then I realized just how big this nest is. I talked to the people who live under this large snag and they informed me that this nest has to be at least 40 years old and the eagles just keep adding a bit to it each year. The eagles usually raise two chicks every year quite successfully.

Canon EOS 350D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/400s f/11.0 at 300.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Suzette A Paduano14-Mar-2007 10:46
Great find, nice to get the info too..
Terri Steele17-Dec-2006 15:34
Incredible image Jess! Wow!
Gwen 23-Apr-2006 23:45
That is awesome - what a great find.
angelique raptakis23-Apr-2006 18:33
wow, the eagle really brings to scale the massive size of this nest