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G.ra Tomlin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Jas's picture a day > Jasmin
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Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel ,Sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 DC
1/60s f/5.6 at 144.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bryan Ramsay11-Apr-2006 02:37
Very nice eyes. Great shot. -BJ
Victoria11-Apr-2006 01:53
Lovely cat , nice composition !
Shayne11-Apr-2006 01:10
Great Pic ~smile~
Char11-Apr-2006 01:08
Super close-up! Wonderful shot.
Guest 11-Apr-2006 00:52
Great shot Helen, well done!
Cindi Smith10-Apr-2006 22:57
Beautiful shot! By the way, Puma (whom you named) is now part of my family! He is a she and is going to the doctor this week. You are an inspiration to all cat lovers!
Martha Albuquerque10-Apr-2006 22:23
love him!
Nicki Thurgar10-Apr-2006 21:50
Beautifully posed! nice shot!
Carole Stevens10-Apr-2006 21:33
Love this one Helen!Such beautiful eyes! He needs to do the cat food adverts!
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