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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees > Wrapped In Green
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Wrapped In Green

Nikon D70
1/60s f/5.6 at 70.0mm iso320 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Karen Stuebing09-Apr-2006 11:16
Love the circling vine against the old tree. Very green and pretty.
Greg Harp08-Apr-2006 22:52
Excellent color and textures.
Tom Munson08-Apr-2006 22:26
Terrific image.
Guest 08-Apr-2006 22:05
Very nice image, love the green agains the tree trunk.
Chris08-Apr-2006 19:16
Very 'Midsummer Night's Dream'. Lovely shot. Chris
Nicki Thurgar08-Apr-2006 15:57
Nice shot, the flash brings out the green leaves really well!
s_barbour08-Apr-2006 14:39
Wonderful image Katie, the colors are so vibrant and you have captured such great textures...well done!