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Leslie Cohelan | all galleries >> And Everything Else >> Events & Sports & Projects >> Seasons of my Mind > "S" - Spectacular Colors for Spring
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"S" - Spectacular Colors for Spring

Canon EOS 20D
1/8s f/10.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Judi Hastings17-Jan-2010 07:57
Gorgeous! Tulips right? Beautiful composition.
Petros Labrakos11-Sep-2006 07:06
effective colours
well composed
akleja13-May-2006 16:04
Fantastic colours and light! Must be a tulip. This is so beautiful I just have got to vote...
Joe Vigliotta11-May-2006 14:49
The best of them all for this clearly displays the insight neccessary to create such beautiful flower pieces. You are ever an inspiration my friend.
Yiannis Pavlis05-May-2006 13:01
very beautifull color.a really nice composition.V.
Anna Pagnacco30-Apr-2006 20:27
Like wonderful paiter brushes...Anna
Reflections by Ruth26-Apr-2006 05:06
I love this, the colors and close crop are striking. There is a garden 10 mins from me that has these. I was there on the way home from work but it started to rain. Maybe I can catch it on the way into work lol
Marie-Hélène Raletz08-Apr-2006 09:57
Spectacular indeed!
What a glamorous start to the new season.
Wonderful image, Leslie!
Audrey Reid06-Apr-2006 20:01
A beautiful, beautiful floral shot. The glowing colours fits the word Spectacular perfectly. Love it.
Guest 05-Apr-2006 19:59
a beautiful parrot tulip (from your garden) - just the right amount of light to make it glow - without blowing it all away...
Sue Robertson05-Apr-2006 10:48
Wow. Gorgeous colours. I love the texture and patterns in the petals.