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Jyothi Karthik Raja

Fly away

A man known for his low tips, goes to a restaurant and orders soup.
The waiter brings the soup out and while the man is sipping it, he finds a fly in the soup.
He calls the waiter and asks him why there is a fly in his soup.
The waiter replies, "For the money you are paying, what did you expect? An elephant?"
and then calmly walks away.

This is first joke that I ever remember hearing in my life. I was told that this used
to crack me up when I was a kid. Thats the story I remember. My parents will have to confirm this.
But today I still find this funny. It's all about interpretation.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 24-Mar-2006 06:41
Aha!... now you are onto Macro fly shots :))
nice shot.... a bit blurry with hand shake at that zoom but still a Cool Pix
Guest 24-Mar-2006 03:15
Oh no...Priya what else have you asked him to take care off???
Kart,its a good capture.
Karthik Raja24-Mar-2006 03:11
Sorry Priya, had to take a shot of him before I shooed him away. ;)
Guest 24-Mar-2006 03:09
Hey, this is my plant....
Graham Tomlin24-Mar-2006 03:08
good picture regards Helen
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