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George Christakos | all galleries >> Portfolio >> Experimental >> World in Black & White... > P31700342
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caveman_lee19-Jul-2007 16:32
A very nice shot. great use the contrast between BIG and small. Very nice capture of the eyesight. V
Ray Rebortira16-Jun-2007 13:16
A formidable image, as if we are seeing the forbidden thought of the pensive subject, uneasy with the overwhelming temptation. Bravo!!!
Ana Carloto O'Shea06-May-2006 15:34
Very interesting composition indeed :) They really seem to be about to talk to eachother...
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma29-Apr-2006 20:31
Nice shot inside agreat gallery.
Guest 05-Apr-2006 18:10
there is so much similarity between the two, perfect timing on this one,George.
lorin niculae31-Mar-2006 17:24
hei george, this one is great too! a schizoid magnifying mirror! v
Guest 21-Mar-2006 04:00
Fantastic capture George, well done!
Guest 21-Mar-2006 04:00
Well done.
Guest 21-Mar-2006 04:00
Fantastic capture George, well done!
Guest 20-Mar-2006 20:51
Great juxtposition of elements - they look quite alike!
Buz Kiefer20-Mar-2006 20:16
Excellent George.
Wenche Aune20-Mar-2006 20:10
Great shot.
Antonis Sarantos20-Mar-2006 19:00
Very well seen and captured!
Guest 20-Mar-2006 15:39
Well-framed juxtaposition--the real and the posed. Isn't it wonderful that real faces are so intriguing...why we shoot them.
Marjan Schavemaker20-Mar-2006 14:44
Very nice!
Guest 20-Mar-2006 13:51
Well done, great shot!!!!
De'Carr Studio20-Mar-2006 13:32
Nice treatment , George
arminb20-Mar-2006 10:29
Perfect interaction, great!
Guenter Eh20-Mar-2006 09:58
Two faces - natural and poster - in one - well seen and captured with a tight framing! I t really creates an - non exist - relationship between both faces! Tricky shot george!
Karthik Raja20-Mar-2006 09:45
wonderful shot. A relationship between the psoter and the passer-by has been established though there is none.
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